Friday, 28 June 2013

Interior walls growing by leaps and bounds

It's been wonderful just doing cob all week, and seeing the bottom rooms taking shape.  The weather is mostly perfect, mid-60s F during the day, so the next morning the cob is moist and workable for mixing in the next layer, but still firm enough to keep on building on it.
Intersection of two walls.  The slowest drying part.  Wish I had started cob
at this point and worked outwards from it.

 Very happy with the mixture.  In this photo to the left, you can see we left a space between the wall and the higher floor next to it.  Then after the cob wall was up, we filled the gap with gravel for a moisture barrier.  However, I am less and less concerned about moisture coming up from under the house.  Friends of ours say there is a lady nearby that built a cob house and didn't put any gravel under the floors.  The traditional homes here also didn't have gravel under the floors . . .

 We quickly used up all the dirt dug up from leveling the floors, so we've had to go back to the mine for not just clay, but for building soil as well.  However, I bought a pick, and that has made it much easier than when we were digging soil for the storeroom with only shovels.  In 45 minutes we can dig enough for a couple days.  Today it was windy and going to be below freezing tonight, so instead of cobbing, we just got dirt ready.  So we are set for 3-4 days easily.

You can see that the wall on the right is almost up to the stem wall!!
It is just above my knee, and looking good!

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