Saturday, 10 August 2013

Day Trip to Lesotho; Building Ideas

Day Trip

The highlight of the past week was a day trip to Buthe-Butha in Lesotho. Pastor Johann from Bethlehem had invited Pastor John, who invited me to come along. My friend, Mark, had been to one of these prayer meetings before and encouraged me to go the next time possible. He was able to come to this meeting as well, which was a nice bonus as we haven't seen each other for quite a while. We met the Bethlehem group in Fouriesburg, then crossed the border together in to Lesotho.

Not actually praying at the moment here, just recording
 next meeting date on phones.

Met a fellow named Jeremy that lead the meeting. There were 4-5 pastors from Lesotho and 4-5 young men in their 20s. Had a really great time of worship and prayer together. At a tea break, Jeremy asked me to share my testimony. So, after doing that, everyone prayed for us and we got some prophetic encouragement and confirmation for Global Gate (our church), Tshepo, and for us personally. See how God is making more connections for us.


Only worked on the house 3 days this week. Wednesday was the prayer meeting and Friday was a holiday, and even Thursday as we were working the weather turned a bit nasty. Friday wouldn't have been a pleasant day to be working outside. Happy nevertheless, looks really nice. Next week I plan to fill the gaps in the stem wall where we planned the indoor compost toilets. Our plan now is to carry out the waste to a compost pile a terrace or two below the house. After those gaps are filled, we'll start cob on the upper half of the house.

Been thinking the past week about tractor mixing. If we could get the cheap tractor for R10k (that we looked at back in December 2012, but is still in two pieces), we could run it back and forth over the mix like others have done. Think we could mix much more cob. Don't know if it's in the plan or not.

On our trip to Ficksburg this week, stopped at the sandstone place where the guy offered to teach me how to cut windowsills.  He wasn't there, but  talked to his wife and left my number.  After driving away, had a thought to hire one of his guys that knows how to do it.  I'd rather pay someone for a couple days, because he is experienced and can do both a better and a faster job.  Really like the idea.

Chronicle Article

I'm posting this before the story about us comes out in the Citrus Chronicle (features section). If you arrived here because of the article, thank you for visiting!! Take a look back through the previous posts, especially the last one about Tshepo. If you are interested in financially supporting us, we direly need the help to get us started! You can go the and find us listed in the missions section and will be able to donate right through the website. Our friends there have started a 20/20 campaign-we are looking for people to commit to $20 for 20 months. It's small change, and enough people will help us tremendously. Thanks again for visiting, please comment or contact us if you have any questions.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Shannon,
    This is Brook Kruslicky(inclusion friend from Citrus Springs), I am so excited to see what you are doing. It all looks amazing! I am glad you are documenting this adventure, I will be sure to continue checking in on your progress. Best Wishes!
